Friday, October 22, 2010

"3G" staged battle

January 7, 2009 at 2:30, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom were issued TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000, WCDMA technology standard for 3G licenses, which marks, after years of waiting China's formal entry into the 3G era.

"3G license issuance on stimulating domestic demand growth in China has a positive significance." Exactly the same response from all sectors. 3G investment will also bring the whole industry chain and consumer end market demand. "3G is a chain relationship." Professor of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications has said he believed in, "3G on domestic demand will be the industry chain is gradually pulling the expansion process."

According to the preliminary plan, three operators of 3G networks within the next two years the total investment will reach 280 billion yuan, of which investment in 2009 will reach 135 billion to 1650 billion yuan, plus 3 network handset subsidy costs of the total 40 billion yuan, which makes the 2009 3G investment will exceed 200 billion yuan related. "This is quite conservative assumptions, more investment will be accompanied by full-service upgrade of competition there." Some analysts said.

Li, vice president of Greater China at Accenture appears as red, 3G as a service, will stimulate growth in ICT spending in other areas. Will appear in the terminal area of a wide range of mobile computing devices and data cards, such as smart phones, PDA, Internet this; in the business market, will emerge out of a large number of SP / CP, the rapid development of mobile Internet will be; to 3G as the leading The full-service competition, but also on the wireless city, digital television, the enhancement in the field; In addition, 3G will also pull back support for communications, IT operation and maintenance, and other markets.

"China's issuance of 3G licenses is a global communications equipment manufacturers an opportunity out of recession doom." Executives said in a multinational communications giant. Looking at the world, the telecom industry gradually fall in the financial cold winter: the hottest wireless communications in recent years, investment in 2009 ushered in double-digit negative growth; and AT & T fails to issue commercial paper financing, would allow more carriers investment in the future to tighten the purse. Bear the brunt of the equipment manufacturers are already feeling the biting cold wind: Nortel, Motorola, Nokia and Siemens have announced job cuts; Huawei, ZTE and other company's overseas operations face many challenges.

In the financial crisis, the context of stimulating domestic demand, China's 3G licenses issued exceptionally prominent global value. In a devastated, the Chinese 3G global ICT industry can become the savior? 3G in China, the main battle field, telecommunications, "Three Kingdoms" will be performed? The future of 3G in China still have unlimited imagination.

Three telecommunications

"Four Battle"

China Mobile well-off family property to keep a position of hegemony? To grab opportunities in the China Telecom can transfiguration "dark horse"?-Quo of China Unicom will be wielding the kind of striking back with them? The grip "good brand" and "shortcomings" the three operators, "the four campaign" will be performed?

With the 3G licenses issued, a long-awaited full-service carriers between the "Three Kingdoms" has finally begun in a big screen.瀵逛簬杩欏嚭鈥滅數淇$増涓夊浗婕斾箟鈥濈殑鍙戝睍鎬佸娍锛岀數淇′笓瀹舵櫘閬嶈涓猴紝濡傛効鎷垮埌3G鐗岀収鐨勪笁澶ц繍钀ュ晢鎵嬮噷閮芥彙鏈夊悇鑷殑鈥滃ソ鐗屸?锛屼絾鍚屾椂鍚勫涔熻繕瀛樺湪鈥滅煭鏉库?锛岃皝涓绘矇娴皻鏈彲鐭ャ?





銆??浜夆?涓婃父鈥?br />
銆??鈥滀腑鍥藉惎鍔?G鍚庯紝浠庢?绉戠殑瑙掑害鏉ヨ锛?009骞存湁涓婁嚎缇庡厓鐨勫競鍦哄闀裤?鈥濇?绉戠郴缁?涓浗)缃戠粶鎶?湳鏈夐檺鍏徃璧勬繁鍓?瑁併?鐢典俊浜嬩笟閮ㄦ?缁忕悊鍚翠笘妤峰3G鍙戠墝鍚庣殑涓浗鐢典俊甯傚満闈炲父鐪嬪ソ銆?br />
銆??鎹簡瑙o紝鍦?G缃戠粶寤鸿鏂归潰锛屾埅姝㈠埌2008骞?2鏈?鏃ワ紝涓浗绉诲姩TD鍩虹珯17672涓紝瀹归噺涓?50涓囨埛; 3G鍙戠墝鍚庯紝棰勬湡鍒?009骞?鏈堝簳锛屾柊寤哄熀绔欏皢杈?5842涓紝鎬绘暟灏嗚揪4.3涓囦釜锛岃鐩?8涓煄甯? 棰勮2011骞存?鏁板皢杈?4.5涓囦釜锛屾湭鏉?骞村皢瑕嗙洊鍏ㄥ浗95%鐨勫湴绾у煄甯傘?鍚屾椂锛屼负鍙戝睍鍏ㄤ笟鍔★紝涓浗绉诲姩鍦ㄥ師鏈夐搧閫氬浐缃戠殑鍩虹涓婏紝蹇呭皢澶ц妯℃墿澶у浐璇濆拰瀹藉甫缃戝缓璁撅紝浠ュ強鍔犵揣鏃犵嚎鍩庡競甯冨眬锛屼互鍥捐刀涓婂叾浠栦袱瀹惰繍钀ュ晢鐨勫浐缃戜紭鍔裤?

銆??鑰屼腑鍥界數淇″垯鍦ㄤ繚鎸佸浐缃戜紭鍔跨殑鍩虹涓婏紝鍔犲揩WiFi鍦堝湴璁″垝銆傜Щ鍔ㄩ鍩熶篃宸插竷璁綜DMA2000鍩虹珯10涓囦釜锛屼簩鏈?G璁惧鎷涙爣缁撴潫鍚庯紝灏嗘彁楂樿嚦13涓囧涓紝涓浗鐢典俊81涓煄甯傜殑鏈湴缃戝凡缁忛噰璐瑿DMA EV-DO Rev.A鐨勭綉缁滆澶囷紝鏂颁竴杞殑閲囪喘涔熷皢鍚姩锛屾湭鏉?骞寸殑鎬绘姇璧勫皢杈?000浜垮厓銆?br />

銆??3G鍙戠墝鍚庯紝涓烘姠鍏堝畬鎴愮綉缁滆鐩栵紝3瀹惰繍钀ュ晢蹇呭皢鍙戣捣澶ц妯$殑鐢典俊璁惧閲囪喘鍜屽缓缃戠珵璧涳紝鍚勫鐢典俊涓婃父浼佷笟涔熼潰涓村洿缁曚笁澶ф爣鍑嗛噸鏂扮珯闃熺殑闂銆?br />
銆??姝e宸ヤ笟鍜屼俊鎭寲閮ㄥ壇閮ㄩ暱濞勫嫟淇墍瑷?紝鈥滀竴涓爣鍑嗗鏋滄病鏈変骇涓氶摼鐨勫彂灞曞仛鏀拺锛屾妧鏈啀鍏堣繘涔熸槸绌烘礊鐨?鈥?瀹惰繍钀ュ晢閮藉簲璇ョ煡閬撹繖涓亾鐞嗭紝澶疄鐨勪骇涓氶摼涓婃父锛屾槸閮ㄧ讲3G缃戠粶鍜屽彂灞曞叏涓氬姟鐨勫熀纭?紝鑰?瀹惰繍钀ュ晢鐨勭珵浜夎Е瑙掍篃鏃╁凡娣卞叆鍒颁簡浜т笟閾剧殑涓婃父銆?br />
銆??瀵逛簬涓浗绉诲姩鏉ヨ锛岃櫧鐒禩D-SCDMA浣滀负涓浗鎷ユ湁鑷富鐭ヨ瘑浜ф潈鐨勫浗瀹舵爣鍑嗭紝10骞存潵澶囧彈鏀垮簻鈥滃叧鐓р?锛屼絾鍏朵綔涓烘柊鍏寸殑銆佽嚦浠婂皻鏈疄鐜板ぇ瑙勬ā璇曞晢鐢ㄧ殑3G鏍囧噯锛岀浉姣斾骇涓氶摼涓婁笅娓哥浉瀵瑰畬鍠勩?骞跺湪鍏ㄧ悆宸叉湁鎴愬姛搴旂敤缁忛獙鐨凜DMA2000鍜學CDMA鏉ヨ锛屽皻鏄剧瀚╁拰鑴嗗急銆?br />

銆??鐒惰?锛岀敱浜嶵D杩熻繜鏈兘杩涜澶ц妯″晢鐢紝琚數淇′笓瀹舵潕杩涜壇绉颁负鈥滄姇鍏ュぇ銆佷骇鍑哄皬鈥濈殑TD鍥板眬鎾傚?浜嗗嚡鏄庯紝鍑犱箮鍚撻?浜嗗ぇ鍞愶紝鎷栫槮浜嗕紬瀹禩D涓婃父璁惧浼佷笟鑻辫豹銆?br />
銆??鍙嶈涓浗鐢典俊鍜屼腑鍥借仈閫氾紝浜т笟閾句笂娓告垨璁告槸鏈?护浠栦滑鏀惧績鐨勪竴鍧楅樀鍦般?鎵嬫彙楂橀?绛夊ぇ鎵瑰浗澶栦竴绾夸笂娓稿巶鍟嗘敮鎸佺殑CDMA2000鍜學CDMA锛岃涓浗鐢典俊鍜屼腑鍥借仈閫氫俊瑾撴棪鏃﹀湴璁镐笅浜嗏?鑾峰緱鐗岀収鍚庯紝鏈?厛鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉畬鎴愮綉缁滃缓璁俱?瀹炵幇3G杩愯惀鐨勬壙璇恒?鈥?br />
銆??鑰屼粠2008骞翠笅鍗婂勾寮?锛岄殢鐫?浗闄呭競鍦虹殑鍙樺够锛?G涓婃父琛屼笟鏍煎眬鍙戠敓浜嗘墤鏈旇糠绂荤殑鍙樺寲; 鑰屽湪涓浗鎷夊姩鍐呴渶鏀跨瓥涔嬩笅锛?G鐗岀収鐨勫彂鏀句篃琚彁閫燂紝TD鎴愪簡鎷夊姩鍐呴渶鐨勭儹鐐广?鍑槑鍊掍笅鍚庯紝鑱斿彂绉戞帴鎵婣DI骞跺姞鐩烼D闃佃惀; 涓婃捣璐濆皵涔熷姞澶т簡瀵筎D鐨勬敮鎸? 澶ц妯$殑寤虹綉閲囪喘鏇寸洏娲讳簡TD涓婃父甯傚満锛屽ぇ鍞愮瓑鍥藉唴TD璁惧浼佷笟棰戦涓爣銆?br />

銆??鍙︿竴鏂归潰锛屽湪3G鍙戠墝鐨勭涓?椂闂达紝鍚屾椂鍦═D-SCDMA銆丆DMA2000鍜學CDMA涓婁笅璧屾敞鐨勪笂娴疯礉灏旂殑鍙戣█浜哄悜璁拌?琛ㄦ槑锛屸?鎴戜滑鏈変俊蹇冨拰瀹炲姏涓轰腑鍥界Щ鍔ㄥ缓璁惧ぇ瑙勬āTD-SCDMA绮惧搧缃戠粶鎻愪緵浼樿川浜у搧鍜屾湇鍔★紝骞舵帹鍔═D-SCDMA鍦ㄥ叏鐞冭寖鍥寸殑搴旂敤浠ュ強鏈潵鍚慣D-LTE鐨勫彂灞曘?鈥?br />
銆??鑱斿彂绉戠浉鍏充汉澹害鏄庣‘琛ㄦ?锛屸?TD浠嶇劧鏄仈鍙戠2009骞寸爺鍙戦噸涓箣閲嶁?锛屽苟璁″垝鍦?009骞翠笂鍗婂勾閰嶅悎瀹㈡埛涓婂競涓?楂橀泦鎴愬害鐨凾D-SCDMA灏勯鍗曡姱鐗?Othello-3T)锛岃鑺墖灏嗘敮鎸乀D鍙岄娈垫妧鏈?1880-1920MHz鍜?010-2025MHz)銆?br />
銆??鏈夌數淇′笓瀹舵寚鍑猴紝CDMA鏄珮閫氫富瀵兼帹骞跨殑鎶?湳鏍囧噯锛屽叾鍙戝睍寰堝ぇ绋嬪害涓婂彈鍒伴珮閫氫紒涓氱瓥鐣ョ殑褰卞搷锛岃?鐩墠娆ф床寰堝皯鏈夋敮鎸丆DMA鐨勮繍钀ュ晢锛屼笖鍦ㄥ悇鍥藉簲鐢ㄧ殑CDMA2000棰戞涔熶笉鐩稿悓锛岃繖閫犳垚浜咰DMA鍦ㄥ浗闄呬笂鐨勫湴浣嶆棩瓒嬩笅婊戙?绉嶇杩硅薄琛ㄦ槑锛屽湪鏈潵3G鏃朵唬銆佷箖鑷?G鏃朵唬鐨勭珵浜変腑锛屾媴蹇冧笂娓搁樀鍦板け瀹堢殑涔熻浼氭槸涓浗鐢典俊銆?br />

銆??浜夆?缁堢鈥?br />
銆??瀵逛簬涓夊ぇ杩愯惀鍟嗘潵璇达紝3G鏃朵唬鐨勫彟涓?潡閲嶈闃靛湴鏄粓绔競鍦恒?鍥犱负3G涓嶅悓浜?G鏃朵唬锛?瀹舵湁鍚勮嚜鐨勬妧鏈爣鍑嗭紝鑺墖鎶?湳涔熷悇涓嶇浉鍚岋紝鐢氳嚦灏嗘潵鐨勫簲鐢ㄥ姛鑳戒篃浼氭湁宸紓锛岃姹傚浠婂姛鑳借姳鍝ㄧ殑姣忛儴鎵嬫満鎴栫綉缁滃簲鐢ㄨ澶囷紝閮藉疄鐜扳?涓夌綉閫氱敤鈥濆苟涓嶇幇瀹炪?鍥犺?鎵撻?绋冲畾鍙潬鐨勪笓鏈夌粓绔競鍦猴紝鍒欐槸淇濊瘉3澶ц繍钀ュ晢杈涜嫤鎼缓鐨勭綉缁滃拰浼樿川鐨勬湇鍔¤祫婧愪笉鑷充簬鏃犵敤姝︿箣鍦扮殑鍏抽敭銆?br />

銆??缁?008骞翠腑鍥界Щ鍔ㄥTD缁堢灞曞紑鎬昏20涓囩殑绗簩鏈熸嫑鏍囦箣鍚庯紝2008骞?鏈堟湯锛屼腑鍥界Щ鍔ㄣ?涓夋槦鐢靛瓙鍜屽井杞叡鍚屾惡鎵嬩妇鍔炩?鏉颁粫浜虹敓鈥濇柊鍝佸彂甯冧細锛屾寮忓悜涓浗甯傚満鎺ㄥ嚭鍏ㄧ悆鏅鸿兘鏃楄埌浜у搧鈥斺?涓夋槦SGH-i908E銆?br />
銆??杩欐涓夋槦SGH-i908E鎴愪负涓浗绉诲姩绗竴娆″拰缁堢鍘傚晢娣卞害鍚堜綔鐨勪骇鍝侊紝鍐呯疆浜嗙Щ鍔ㄦⅵ缃戙?139閭銆侀淇°?鎵嬫満璇佸埜銆侀煶涔愰殢澹板惉绛夊绉嶅鎴风銆?br />



銆??鎹笟鍐呰祫娣变汉澹粙缁嶏紝楂橀?鐫?姏鍙戝睍鐨刉CDMA闃佃惀涓氨鏈夊崕涓恒?涓叴銆佽仈鎯崇瓑浼佷笟锛岃?鍦?007骞村崕涓哄氨宸叉垚涓哄叏鐞冩渶澶х殑WCDMA鏁版嵁鍗″巶鍟嗭紝涓擶CDMA鎵嬫満宸茶繘鍏ユ矁杈句赴杩欐牱閲嶉噺绾х殑杩愯惀鍟嗛噰璐悕鍗曚腑; 涓叴WCDMA鎵嬫満鐨勫嚭璐ч噺涔熷凡杩囩櫨涓囧彴锛屾槸婢冲ぇ鍒╀簹鐢典俊鐨勪富瑕佷緵搴斿晢銆?br />
銆??姝や笟鍐呰祫娣变汉澹繕鎸囧嚭锛屾垨璁歌涓浗鐢典俊鍜屼腑鍥借仈閫氭渶鏀惧績鐨勫氨鏄粓绔競鍦恒?鍙戞斁CDMA2000鍜學CDMA鐗岀収鍚庯紝涓叴銆佷笁鏄熺瓑鍥藉唴澶栦紒涓氬湪鍥介檯甯傚満涓婄Н绱殑浜ц兘浼氳寮曞叆涓浗3G甯傚満锛岃?鐩稿浜у搧绋冲畾銆佸巶鍟嗙粡楠屼赴瀵岀殑CDMA2000鍜學CDMA缁堢闃佃惀锛孴D鐨勭粓绔拰缁堢渚涜揣鍟嗙暐鏄剧矖绯欏拰鍗曡杽銆?br />
銆??浜夆?搴旂敤鈥?br />
銆??鍦?G鐗岀収鍙戞斁鍓嶅锛屼腑鍥界數淇℃姠鍏堟帹鍑轰簡鈥滃ぉ缈尖?鍝佺墝锛屽苟鍚敤鏂扮殑銆佹崋缁戞墜鏈哄彿鐮併?瀹藉甫涓婄綉璐﹀彿銆佽亰澶╁彿鍜岄偖绠卞彿锛岀敋鑷冲浐璇濆拰IPTV 鐨?89鍙锋锛屽ぇ鎵撳叏涓氬姟鍜岀Щ鍔ㄤ簰鑱旂綉搴旂敤鐨勭墝銆傞偅涔堣繘鍏?G鏃朵唬锛屽悇瀹惰繍钀ュ晢鍦ㄥ簲鐢ㄩ鍩熶簤澶虹殑鐒︾偣鍦ㄥ摢鍛?


銆??Avaya浜氬お鍖鸿仈缁滀腑蹇冨拰缁熶竴閫氫俊搴旂敤鍓?瑁乀an Choon Seng璁や负锛?G鏃朵唬鐨勫埌鏉ワ紝灏嗘帹鍔ㄦ暟鎹?璇煶鍜岃棰戠殑铻嶅悎锛屽苟涓轰紒涓氶?淇″甫鏉ュ喘鏂扮殑搴旂敤鍓嶆櫙銆傞?杩囧甯︿簰鑱旂綉鍜?G鎵嬫満锛岀敤鎴峰彲浠ヨ繘琛屽疄鏃剁殑瑙嗛閫氫俊銆傝繖绉嶉?淇′篃鍙互閫氳繃鏀寔瑙嗛鐨勬墜鎸佺粓绔紝閫氳繃缃戠粶鎽勫儚澶淬?瑙嗛鐢佃瘽鍜岃棰戠數璇濇湇鍔′涵杩涜銆備紒涓氬湪瀹炴柦缁熶竴閫氫俊鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍙互鏃犵紳闆嗘垚鏇村鐨勯?淇℃墜娈碉紝閫氳瘽鑰呭彲浠ヤ粠涓?鏂瑰紡鍒囨崲鍒板彟澶栦竴绉嶆柟寮忥紝鑰屼笉浼氬奖鍝嶅璇濄?




銆??瀵规锛屽井杞叕鍙哥數淇″強濯掍綋浜嬩笟閮ㄥぇ涓崕鍖虹浉鍏充汉鍛樿涓猴紝杩愯惀鍟嗗簲璇ヨ嚜宸扁?鎿嶅垁鈥濆簲鐢ㄤ笟鍔★紝浠庤?杈惧埌鏀跺叆鈥滄嬁澶уご鈥濈殑鐩殑銆?br />
銆??鎹井杞伐浣滀汉鍛樹粙缁嶏紝寰蒋涓鸿繍钀ュ晢鍑嗗浜嗛潪甯哥伒娲荤殑瑙e喅鏂规锛屼互渚夸腑鍥界殑鐢典俊杩愯惀鍟嗚兘鎶婂鍊肩殑鏀跺叆澶ч儴鍒嗚嚜宸辩暀涓嬫潵銆傗?鍍忎腑鍥界Щ鍔紝涓嶄粎浠呬负鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵鎺ュ叆鐨勬湇鍔★紝鏇撮噸瑕佺殑鏄紝浠栦滑鑷繁涔熻兘涓哄鎴锋彁渚涘鍊肩殑鏈嶅姟锛屼粬浠嚜宸卞氨鏄鍊兼湇鍔$殑鎻愪緵鑰呫?鈥濊繖浣嶅井杞伐浣滀汉鍛樿銆?br />
銆??鐒惰?锛屾湁鐢典俊涓撳鎻愬嚭浜嗕笉鍚岀殑瑙傜偣銆備粬浠涓猴紝杩愯惀鍟嗙簿鍔涙湁闄愶紝涓斿湪涓撲笟鐨勫簲鐢ㄦ柟闈㈠苟涓嶆嵁浼樺娍锛屼笉鑳戒粈涔堜笟鍔¢兘鎷挎潵鑷繁鍋氥?姣斿鍦ㄧЩ鍔ㄨ棰戝ū涔愯妭鐩?鏃犵嚎缃戠粶娓告垙銆佺Щ鍔ㄧ數瀛愬晢鍔$瓑涓氬姟棰嗗煙锛岃繍钀ュ晢鎶涘紑鏈変赴瀵岀粡楠屽拰鎴愮啛鎶?湳鐨勪簰鑱旂綉浼佷笟锛屾垚绔嬪叕鍙哥嫭绔嬭繍浣滐紝鏁堢巼涓嶉珮涔熶笉鍒掔畻銆傗?鍦ㄥ凡缁忓疄璺典簡3G搴旂敤鐨勫浗瀹讹紝鎴愮啛鐨勮繍钀ュ晢閮芥槸鑷繁鍋氬ソ娓犻亾锛岃鏈嶅姟鍟嗗仛鐨勪氦缁欐湇鍔″晢銆傗?涓?綅鐮旂┒鍏ㄧ悆鐢典俊杩愯惀涓氬姟鍙戝睍鐨勪笓瀹剁О銆?br />
銆??瀵规鏉庝负鍐茶涓猴紝鍦?G鏃朵唬锛屽鏈嶅姟鍟嗙殑绠$悊鑳藉姏灏嗘垚涓鸿繍钀ュ晢鐨勬牳蹇冪珵浜夊姏涔嬩竴銆?br />
銆??浜夆?鐢ㄦ埛鈥?br />

銆??鏃犺杩愯惀鍟嗗湪杩欏嚭鈥滅數淇′笁鍥解?閲屽敱寰楀鍑哄僵锛屾渶缁堣繕瑕佺湅娑堣垂鑰呬拱涓嶄拱璐︺?浜嬪疄涓婏紝杩愯惀鍟嗗鐢ㄦ埛鐨勪簤澶哄湪3G鐗岀収鍙戞斁鍓嶅氨宸茬粡灞曞紑銆?br />

銆??瀹為檯涓婏紝瀵逛簬CMMB涓嶵D鐨勭粨鍚堝埌搴曟湁澶氬ぇ鏉?激鍔涳紝涓氱晫鏈変笉鍚岀殑鐪嬫硶銆備竴浜涗笓瀹惰涓猴紝CMMB涓嶵D閮戒笉鎴愮啛锛屸?闂鈥濈殑鍩虹涓嶇ǔ锛岀悊椤哄箍鐢靛拰涓浗绉诲姩鐨勫悎浣滃叧绯伙紝浠ュ強璁〤MMB缃戠粶瑕嗙洊鍏ㄥ浗锛岄兘闇?鍥藉鑺辫垂鏇村ぇ鐨勫績鎬濆拰璧勯噾銆?br />


銆??鑰岀浉杈冧腑鍥界Щ鍔ㄥ拰涓浗鐢典俊鑺卞摠鐨勮繃鎷涳紝鍐呴儴铻嶅悎灏氶渶鏃舵棩鐨勪腑鍥借仈閫氾紝鍦ㄧ煭鏃堕棿鍐呮棤娉曟暣鍚堜紭鍔胯祫婧愩?鎷垮嚭鍝嶄寒鍗栫偣鐨勬儏鍐典笅锛屾帹鍑衡?涓?崱鍏呪? 寮傚湴鍏呭?鏈嶅姟锛屼互鍙婂拰寤鸿鍚堜綔鎺ㄥ嚭鏂颁竴浠e彲浠ラ?杩囨墜鏈哄疄鐜拌处鎴锋煡璇?杞处銆佹眹娆俱?缂磋垂锛屽姙鐞嗘墜鏈烘敮浠樸?閾惰瘉杞处銆佸姹囦拱鍗栫瓑涓氬姟鐨勨?鎵嬫満閾惰鈥濇湇鍔★紝 杩欎簺鍔ㄤ綔娌¢偅涔堣姳鍝紝鍊掓槸鍔″疄銆?br />
銆??浣嗘渶鍔″疄涔熸渶鏈夋晥鐨勭敤鎴蜂簤澶虹瓥鐣ヨ帿杩囦簬浠锋牸鎴樹簡銆備复杩?G鍙戠墝涔嬫椂锛屽悇瀹惰繍钀ュ晢鐨勪环鏍兼垬灏卞凡鎵撳緱涓嶅彲寮?氦浜嗐?灏卞湪涓浗鐢典俊鎺ㄥ嚭189鍙锋鐨勫悓鏃讹紝涓浗鑱旈?涔熸悶璧蜂簡鈥滃勾搴曞ぇ閰鈥濓紝鍦ㄤ竴鍚戜紭鎯犳椿鍔ㄦ渶灏戠殑鍖椾含闈㈠悜鍏ㄥ競鍥哄畾閫氫俊鍜岀Щ鍔ㄩ?淇$敤鎴锋帹鍑篈DSL瀹藉甫鈥滃叏姘?M鈥濆拰鑱旈?鎵嬫満鈥滃叆缃戝厖鍊奸?璇濊垂鈥濅袱椤逛績閿?椿鍔ㄣ?闄や簡涓浗鑱旈?鎵嬫満鐢ㄦ埛鍏呭?鏈?珮杩?0% 锛?M瀹藉甫鐢ㄦ埛涔熷彲鑾峰緱20鍏冧紭鎯犮?



銆??2009 骞村皢鏄腑鍥界數淇′笟纭濈儫鍥涜捣鐨勪竴骞达紝鑰岃壇鎬х殑绔炰簤灏嗕績杩涚數淇$綉缁滆鐩栥?鏁翠綋鏈嶅姟姘村钩鍙婄數淇′笟鐩稿叧浜т笟閾剧殑鍏ㄩ潰鍗囩骇銆備笌鍘嗗彶涓婄殑鈥滀笁鍥戒簤闆勨?鏈夋墍涓嶅悓鐨勬槸锛屼笁鍥芥垬浜夌櫨濮撳彈鑻︼紝鑰岀數淇¤繍钀ュ競鍦虹殑鈥滀笁鍥芥紨涔夆?灏嗙粰娑堣垂鑰呭甫鏉ュ垏瀹炵殑濂藉銆?br />

銆??甯傚満鍗充汉姘戯紝浜烘皯鍗冲競鍦?br />
銆??涓氱晫鑻︾浖澶氬勾鐨?G缁堜簬鏉ヤ簡銆傚獟浣撳鐢典俊鈥滀笁鍥芥紨涔夆?鐨勮璁猴紝鍐嶆鐑嫢鐑堢伀鐑规补锛?鎺?捣鏂颁竴杞殑楂樻疆銆?br />
銆??鍧︾巼鍦拌锛岃繖璁╀汉鏈夌偣瀹$編鐤插姵銆傝瘽棰樻棤闈炶繕鏄偅鍑犱釜: 琚?闈╁懡浜嗏?鐨勪腑鍥界Щ鍔ㄨ儗涓娾?TD-SCDMA鈥濈殑閲嶆媴鍚庯紝鑵版澘鏄惁杩樹緷鐒舵尯鐩?涓浗鐢典俊鑾峰緱C缃戝悗锛屾槸鍚﹁兘蹇?鍗囩骇鍒癈DMA2000锛屾垚涓虹湡姝g殑3G榛戦┈?鎽嗚劚浜嗏?宸﹀彸鎵嬩簰鎼忊?鐨勪腑鍥借仈閫氾紝鏈潵鑳藉惁鍙戞尌WCDMA鐨勪紭鍔匡紝涓嶅仛寮辫??

銆??浜т笟鐣屾墍鍏虫敞鐨勪篃涓?鏃㈠線: 涓夊ぇ杩愯惀鍟嗙粍缃戙?鎵╁鎵?拻涓嬬殑閲戝瓙鍒板簳浼氱牳鍦ㄨ皝鐨勮剳琚嬩笂?


銆??甯傚満鏄粈涔?濂楃敤銆婂寳浜櫄鎶ャ?钁楀悕璇勮瀹惰嫃鏂囨磱鍏堢敓鏈?埍鐢ㄧ殑涓?彞璇濓紝閭e氨鏄? 甯傚満灏辨槸浜烘皯锛屼汉姘戝氨鏄競鍦恒?鍦ㄥ競鍦虹粡娴庝腑锛屼竴鍒囦緵缁欓兘鏄敱闇?眰鍐冲畾鐨勩?鍥犳锛?G鐨勭粓鏋佸競鍦猴紝灏辨槸娑堣垂鑰呰浜嗙畻锛屼换浣曞枊鍠嬩笉浼戠殑棰勬祴閮芥樉寰楀浣欍?

銆??鎴戜滑浠庤偂甯傝繖鍑犲ぉ鐨勬定璺屼腑涔熶笉闅剧鎺㈠嚭: 鐩墠锛?G鐨勭儹闂规槸浜т笟鐣屽唴閮ㄧ殑鐑椆锛屾槸濯掍綋浠枾鍤e嚭鏉ョ殑鐑椆锛屾槸鎶曡祫鏈烘瀯浠倰浣滃嚭鏉ョ殑鐑椆銆?鏈?鏃ャ?1鏈?鏃ワ紝 鍙楀彂鏀?G鐗岀収浼犺█鐨勫奖鍝嶏紝 3G閫氫俊鏉垮潡鏁翠綋璧板己锛屼釜鑲¤偂浠烽娑ㄣ?鐢变簬鎻愬墠閫忔敮鍒╁ソ锛屽湪姝e紡鍙戞斁3G鐗岀収鐨?鏈?鏃ワ紝3G閫氫俊鏉垮潡鍥炶惤锛屾煇浜涗釜鑲$敋鑷冲嚭鐜板湪璺屽箙姒滃墠鍒椼?


銆??浜烘皯鏈?瀹為檯锛屼汉姘戞渶璁ゅ疄闄呫?杩欎竴鐐癸紝鎴戝湪閲囪涓劅鍙楁繁鍒汇?鐩稿綋涓?儴鍒嗗彈璁夸汉缇よ〃绀猴紝鑷繁鐨勬墜鏈哄彿鐮佸凡缁忕敤浜嗗骞达紝濡傛灉鐢?G鎵嬫満闇?鎹㈠彿鐮侊紝灏嗕細鎷掔粷浣跨敤3G鎵嬫満; 杩樻湁涓?儴鍒嗕汉瀵圭幇鍦ㄨ繍钀ュ晢璇曡繍琛岀殑3G涓氬姟濡傝棰戦?璇濄?鎵嬫満鐢佃绛夛紝鍏磋叮涓嶅ぇ銆?br />
銆??鈥滄垜浠叧蹇冪殑鏄笂缃戦?搴︽槸涓嶆槸鐪熺殑寰堝揩锛岃祫璐规槸鍚﹁冻澶熶究瀹溿?鈥濅竴浣嶅彈璁胯?琛ㄧず銆傛柊娴綉鐨勮皟鏌ヤ篃璇佸疄浜嗚繖涓?偣锛屾湭鏉ユ墦绠椾娇鐢?G鎵嬫満鐨勭敤鎴蜂腑锛?1.78%鏄啿鐫?珮閫熶笂缃戯紝22.78%鏄啿鐫?祫璐规洿渚垮疁銆?br />




銆??鈻?鏈姤璁拌? 姣涙睙鍗?br />

銆??鍩冩.鍝叉墍鎻愪緵鐨勬暟鎹粠涓?釜渚ч潰璇佸疄浜嗕互涓婅繖涓?壒鐐? 娆х洘鍚勫浗锛學CDMA鐨勪娇鐢ㄧ巼鍗犲埌90%锛岃?CDMA2000浠?0%; 鏃ユ湰锛學CDMA鐨勪娇鐢ㄧ巼鍗犲埌70%锛孋DMA2000涓?0%; 缇庡浗锛學CDMA鍜孋DMA2000鍚勫崰鍒?0%; 瀹屽叏浠DMA2000璧峰鐨勯煩鍥斤紝鍏禬CDMA涔熷崰鍒颁簡30%銆?br />
銆??浠栧北涔嬬煶锛屽彲浠ユ敾鐜夈?涓浗鐨?G缃戠粶 鍙互浠庡叏鐞冨叾浠栧浗瀹剁殑3G寤鸿涓紝鑾峰緱缁忛獙鍜屾暀璁?

銆??鏃ラ煩: 閭诲浗姒滄牱

銆??鍦ㄥ焹妫摬澶т腑鍗庡尯鍓?瑁佹潕涓哄啿鍗氬+鐪嬫潵锛屾棩鏈拰闊╁浗鎺?G鏈??寰楁垜浠涔犵殑鍏卞悓鐐规槸: 涓ゅ浗閮藉厖鍒嗛噸瑙嗕粠瀹㈡埛鐨勯渶姹傚嚭鍙戯紝閫愭涓板瘜涓氬姟鐨勭绫汇?鈥滄墍浠ュ畠浠兘鑳介?杩?G鐨勬暟鎹笟鍔℃潵寮ヨˉ璇煶涓氬姟鐨勪笅婊戙?鈥?br />
銆??闊╁浗鐨?G鍒跺紡鐩稿绠?崟锛屼富瑕佹槸CDMA2000锛屽洜涓洪煩鍥芥槸涓栫晫涓奀DMA浣跨敤鐜囨渶楂樼殑鍥藉锛岃?浠嶤DMA杩囨浮鍒癈DMA2000鐩稿骞崇ǔ銆備笉杩囷紝鐜板湪闊╁浗鐨勮繍钀ュ晢SKT銆並TF涔熷紑濮嬫帹WCDMA銆?br />
銆??鈥滄棩鏈殑鎯呭喌杈冧负澶嶆潅锛屾湁璁稿缁忛獙鍊煎緱鎴戜滑鍊熼壌銆傗? 鏉庝负鍐茶涓恒?鍦?G鏃朵唬锛孨TT DoCoMo澶勪簬缁熸不鍦颁綅锛屽叾甯傚満浠介瓒呰繃50%銆侼TT DoCoMo鍦?G鏃朵唬閲囩敤鐨勬槸鏃ユ湰鑷繁鐨凜DMA锛岃?涓嶆槸鍏ㄧ悆閫氱敤鐨凣SM锛屾墍浠ュ綋2002骞碞TT DoCoMo鎺ㄥ嚭WCDMA鏃讹紝闂灏卞嚭鐜颁簡銆?br />
銆??鍏朵竴锛岀敱浜庝笂涓嬩笉鍏煎锛屽綋鏃跺張娌℃湁鍙屾ā鎵嬫満锛學CDMA涓?嚭3G瑕嗙洊鐨勫尯鍩熷氨鏃犳硶浣跨敤锛屽鎴峰繀椤绘湁涓や釜鎵嬫満銆佷袱涓彿鐮?鍏朵簩锛屾棩鏈湪WCDMA涓婂姞浜嗗緢澶氳嚜宸辨爣鍑嗕笂鍘伙紝鎵嬫満鑰楃數閲忓ぇ锛屾墜鏈哄鏄撳嚭闂銆?br />
銆??鍙︿竴瀹惰繍钀ュ晢KDDI鎺ㄧ殑鏄疌DMA2000锛岃窡鍘熸潵鐨凜DMA涓嬭鏄吋瀹癸紝2G鎵嬫満鍒?G鍖哄煙閫氳瘽锛?G鎵嬫満鍒?G鍖哄煙涔熷彲浠ラ?璇濓紝鍙槸鏁版嵁涓氬姟浣跨敤鏈変簺灞?檺銆傚啀鍔犱笂KDDI浣跨敤鐨凜DMA鏄粓绔満鍗′笉鍒嗙锛屾墍浠ュ湪鎺?G鐨勮繃绋嬩腑锛孠DDI鏂颁笟鍔$殑鎺ㄥ嚭姣擭TT DoCoMo瑕佹棭銆?br />
銆??涓嶈繃锛岃繖涓ゅ勾NTT DoCoMo閫愭笎鎽嗚劚浜嗙珵浜変腑鐨勫姡鍔匡紝閲嶆柊鍦?G鏃朵唬鍧愮ǔ浜嗚繍钀ュ晢闇镐富鐨勪綅缃?涓?柟闈㈡槸瀹冪殑WCDMA缃戠粶宸茬粡閾哄紑锛岃繘琛屼簡澶ч噺鐨勫鍊兼ā寮忕殑鍒涙柊; 鍙︿竴鏂归潰鏄疌DMA2000鍦ㄥ叏鐞冨彂灞曚笉鍒┾?鈥旈珮閫氱殑涓撳埄璐规ā寮忥紝鍒剁害浜嗗ぇ瀹跺弬涓庡缓璁綜DMA2000鐨勭儹鎯咃紝鑰屾暣涓娲插嚑涔庨兘鏄娇鐢╓CDMA锛屼娇寰楁棤娉曞叏鐞冩极娓告垚涓篊DMA2000鐨勭煭鏉裤?

銆??娆ф床: 鏃ュ嚭浜戞暎




銆??涓?綅杩愯惀鍟嗘浘杩欐牱璇? 鈥滃弬涓庢媿鍗栨剰鍛崇潃鎱㈡?鑷潃; 涓嶅弬涓庢媿鍗栵紝鎴戝氨浼氱獊鐒舵浜°?鈥濆鏋滃弬涓庣墝鐓ф媿鍗栵紝鐗岀収璐圭敤寰堥珮锛屼互鍚庝拱璁惧銆佸缓缃戙?闆囦剑浜哄伐杩橀渶瑕佸法棰濊姳璐? 濡傛灉涓嶅弬涓庣墝鐓ф媿鍗栵紝灏辨剰鍛崇潃娌℃湁灏嗘潵锛岃偂浠峰氨浼氫竴钀藉崈涓堛?

銆??鈥滈?杩囧骞寸殑璋冩暣銆佸崠鎺変竴浜涗笟鍔°?寮?簮鑺傛祦绛夌瓑锛屾娲茶繍钀ュ晢浠墠缂撹繃鍔叉潵锛屾參鎱㈠紑濮嬪缓璁?G缃戠粶銆傗?鏉庝负鍐茶銆備粬鍛婅瘔璁拌?锛岀幇鍦ㄦ娲插缓3G缃戠粶锛屾渶涓昏鐨勫師鍥犳槸鍥犱负2G鐨勯鐜囥?甯﹀宸茬粡涓嶈冻浠ユ敮鎾戣繖涔堝鐨勭敤鎴凤紝鎵?互娆ф床鍙戝睍3G涓嶄粎浠呮槸涓轰簡鍙戝睍鏁版嵁涓氬姟銆?br />
銆??缇庡浗: 棰犺寮忓垱鏂?br />
銆??鏉庝负鍐茶繕璁や负锛岀編鍥界殑绉诲姩鐢佃瘽鍙戝睍姣斿埆浜烘參锛屾槸鍥犱负瀹冨湪鍥鸿瘽涓婃湁闈炲父瀹屽杽鐨勫熀纭?鏂? 鑰屼笖缇庡浗浜虹殑椋庝織涔犳儻鏄笉鍠滄涓嬬彮鏃堕棿琚汉鎵撴壈锛屾墜鏈哄彿涓?埇涓嶈交鏄撶粰鍒汉锛屾湁浜嬫儏鎵撳姙鍏鐢佃瘽锛屾墍浠ョ編鍥藉埌鐩墠涓烘绉诲姩缃戠粶瑕嗙洊杩樹笉濡備腑鍥姐?

銆??杩欎娇寰楃編鍥借繍钀ュ晢Verizon鍦ㄥ彂灞旵DMA2000鐨?G涓氬姟鏃讹紝鏈?厛鎺ㄥ嚭鐨勬槸涓婄綉鍗°?涓轰粈涔堝憿?鏉庝负鍐插湪涓ゅ勾鍓嶆浘鍋氳繃涓?釜姣旇緝锛岀編鍥界瑪璁版湰鐢佃剳鐨勬嫢鏈夐噺璺熸墜鏈虹殑鎷ユ湁閲忓嚑涔庢槸1: 1锛屼絾涓浗绗旇鏈數鑴戠殑鎷ユ湁閲忓拰鎵嬫満鐨勬嫢鏈夐噺姣旓紝宸埆闈炲父澶с?

銆??鈥滀腑鍥借?鐧惧绉诲姩涓婄綉鍙兘鍏堜粠鎵嬫満寮?锛岃?涓嶆槸浠庣瑪璁版湰鐢佃剳寮?銆傗? 鏉庝负鍐茶锛屸?鎵?互姣忎釜鍥藉鍦ㄥ彂灞?G杩囩▼涓娇鐢ㄥ摢涓?鏂瑰紡锛岃窡瀹冪殑缁忔祹姘村钩銆佷娇鐢ㄤ範鎯瓑鏂规柟闈㈤潰鐨勫師鍥犳湁鍏炽?鈥?br />
銆??鈥滀絾鏄紝缇庡浗棰犺寮忕殑鍒涙柊妯″紡闈炲父鍊煎緱鎴戜滑瀛︿範銆傗? 鏉庝负鍐茶〃绀恒?鍏朵腑鏈?吀鍨嬬殑渚嬪瓙灏辨槸iPhone銆侫T&T鑷粠璺烝PPLE鑱旀墜鎺ㄥ嚭浜唅Phone锛岄瑕嗕簡浼犵粺鐨勭數淇¤繍钀ュ晢鐨勫晢鍔℃ā寮忓悗锛屽氨鍙栧緱浜嗗法澶х殑鎴愬姛銆?br />


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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Huawei said the employee to resign completely from the willingness to improve the competitiveness of

November 4 evening news, for media reports, "Huawei for people to resign, sign a contract," the issue, Huawei Technology exclusive to Sina sent a formal statement, saying that "the resignation of employees entirely voluntary, no company compulsions. Must Most employees will return to the original post by Jing Gang "; and, Huawei is" seriously studying, understanding, and resolutely implement the labor contract law, legal personnel system to Huawei, norms, and competitive, "" not infringed the interests of employees . "

"Under the labor contract law, adjusted for human resources management"

Media reports said that the company has recently introduced such a measure, all at least eight of Huawei staff before New Year's Day in 2008, must have procedures for handling resign, that first "resign" and then "of trade posts" re-signed with 1-3 years of the contract. Later, the media commented that this was intended to circumvent the will of Huawei in January 1, 2008 since the implementation of the new "Labor Contract Law" requirements. Article XIV of the Act: to meet worker "has been working continuously in the employing unit for ten years" or "to make the second consecutive fixed-term labor contract" conditions, they can and employers to make "no fixed term labor contract "become permanent employees. In other words, as long as such employees without a serious disciplinary offense, businesses can not dismiss them, as long as this enterprise is not close, workers from the Lift of the "iron rice bowl."

Huawei is issued for this requirement, Huawei made a detailed explanation.

Huawei said that the state promulgated the "Labor Contract Law", the Huawei seriously study, understand, and resolutely implement the labor contract law, legal personnel system so that Huawei, norms and competitive.

For this reason, Huawei said that over the past decade, rapid development, the number of employees has reached 7 million people, have accumulated a number of problems, such as: parent, subsidiaries, joint ventures, cross-dispatching company to use, the main employment relations chaos not conducive to business operations, according to the requirements of the labor contract law, need to re-regulate. Labor Contract Law of the enterprise and its employees have a new labor contract requirements, we also need to be redefined.

Huawei said the response to these problems, Huawei, and, like all enterprises, have to rectify, so that their own laws and regulations in line with national requirements, for which, required in human capital management practices some adjustments.

Not forced to resign

Huawei said that in recent years to adapt to the expansion of international operations, enhance international competitiveness, Huawei carried out a series of human resources, institutional change, including human post match and Placement System will pay the salaries, employee benefits and insurance protection system reforms to enable the enterprise more harmonious, more dynamic.

It is reported that, in learning, understanding the labor contract law, the Huawei some managers and older employees to resign voluntarily re-accept the company's selection. The voluntary resignation of older employees, some experienced marketing department in 1997 to resign collectively; some experience of IT in the winter of 2002 when the company took the initiative a pay cut of 10%, and companies help each other out the storm. Huawei got here is because of this fighting spirit and a never-house mechanism is active.

Following the resignation of the staff, if they were willing to company, Huawei is whether you accept it, and job You Bianhua, Yuan Gong Fan Ying Deng have any problems, Huawei Biaoshi, the resignation of Wan Quan is Yuangongziyuan, no company Qiangpoxingwei. Most of the staff will return to its original position by Jing Gang. The majority of these employees are employees of Huawei shares, they have continued to support enterprises to maintain the creativity and vitality.

There is no infringement upon the rights and interests

For this is an infringement of the rights of workers, Huawei said that Huawei did not infringe rights of workers.

Huawei said that any business must comply with state laws and regulations. Voluntary resignation of employees, Enterprise fulfill their obligations according to law. Our compensation package is better than the national economy's labor laws and regulations, including higher labor contract law came into effect next year.

In line with the principle of voluntary negotiation, all the voluntary resignation of Huawei staff will receive the appropriate compensation, the compensation package for the "N +1" mode, that is, the total pre-tax financial compensation = (N +1) 脳 employees on compensation wage (before tax) . However, not only on wage compensation for employees on the standard wage, but also employees last year bonus value on shared equally. N for the staff to work in Huawei's continuous length of service, in addition to pay an additional one month's wages.

The labor contract law will take effect on the release or termination of labor relations in the economic compensation has two limitations: first, N the number of years of compensation can not exceed 12 months; two high wages, calculation of the monthly wage criteria should be to the local community three times the average wage cap. Huawei's compensation package no two limitations, so be generous in the standard labor contract law.


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Friday, October 8, 2010

VB.Net language improvements

We have a lot of programming forum or news group can see the C + +, VB supporters will be called a toy language (Toy Language). Where VB is the most criticized it does not really support the object-oriented programming (oop).

In the new Visual Basic, these will be the last. Visual Basic.NET will truly support the oop. Succession (inheritance), polymorphism (polymorphism) and heavy (overloading). Of course, more. Including some new data structures, structural error control (Error Handing) and thread. These will be supported by the new VB.


Suppose you write a function that contains only the name of a basic class BaseClass:

Function GetCustomerName ()''Do some stuffEnd Function

If you want to create a new class, and use the BaseClass in GetCustomerName function. But do not want to rewrite the code for a code. Then by inheritance, you can write a new class:

Inherits BaseClassFunction GetCustomerID ()''Do some stuffEnd Function


Overload is to build you two have the same name but different attributes of the function parameters of the process. Suppose GetCustomID function input and output according to the user's ID number. Then the function may have the following two types:

Function GetCustomerID (custname as string) As Integer''by users through the user name IDEnd FunctionFunction GetCustomerID (purch as long) As Integer''single number access to users according to shopping IDEnd Function

By overloading, you can call for different types of input with a function.

In fact to some extent now provided in the VB function overloading, consider the following functions:

Function GetCustomID (vIN As Variant) As LongGetCustomID = vINEnd Function

You can call the following two ways:

ID = GetCustomID ("123")


ID = GetCustomID (123)

So why the introduction of the new overloaded version of it? This is because the new Visual Basic introduced new features: type-safe (default type safety). In Visual Basic.NET in, Variant type will no longer exist, a detailed description see the following upgrade parts on the content.


Polymorphism is in a class in the process of re-definition of a function. For example, you need to create a subclass of BaseClass based, but they need to re-write GetCustomerName function, in the new version of VB, you can write:

Inherits BaseClassFunction GetOrders () Overrides Function GetOrders ()... End Function


The new structure of part of the Visual Basic language will contain a multi-thread, a thread to establish the following example:
set t = New Thread (New Threadstart (AddressOf (BaseClass.Function1))
From the example above you can see, Visual Basic.NET AddressOf function in the real return function pointer. This course of API calls, for example, aspects of the callback function will be helpful.

Error handling (Error Handling)

Visual Basic.NET Another big improvement is the error handling. Visual Basic will provide the try ... catch ... finally structure, like Delphi, as in (Microsoft's original text is: just like those "respectable" languages :-))銆?For example:

Sub SafeWrite () TryOpen "Testfile" ... Write # 1CatchKill "Testfile" FinallyClose # 1End TryEnd Sub


When the code is upgraded, Visual Basic.NET upgrade will create a new project. Here a few examples to illustrate through your code to do those upgrades

Variant type to the Object type

Previous versions of Visual Basic support the Variant data type, the type can be set to a fixed level in addition to any raw data outside the string type and Empty, Error, Nothing, and Null. In Visual Basic.NET in, Object data type can be set to any raw data type and Empty, Error, Nothing, Null, and object pointer. When you upgrade to Visual asic.NET project, any definition will change Variant Object. Similarly, when you insert the code editor, Variant keyword will be replaced by Object.

Short Integer data types to data types

In Visual Basic 6.0 in, 16bit number is now known as Short. 32bit number is called Integer (64bit number called Long). When the project is upgraded, the data definition will make the following changes:

Dim x As Integerdim y as Long

Changed to:

Dim x As Shortdim y as Integer

Attribute grammar

Visual Basic.NET syntax for custom attributes merry more intuitive to change the Get and Set into one. For example, the original property as follows:

Property Get MyProperty () As Integerm_MyProperty = MyPropertyEnd PropertyProperty Let MyProperty (NewValue As Integer) m_MyProperty = NewValueEnd Property

Change after the upgrade:

Property MyProperty () As ShortGetm_MyProperty = MyPropertyEnd GetSetm_MyProperty = ValueEnd Set End Property

VB Forms to Windows Forms

Visual Basic.NET include the new forms package, Windows Forms, Windows Forms contains embedded menu editor. Your VB form will be upgraded to Windows Forms.


In previous versions, the public class interface for the user is always hidden. In Visual Basic.NET, the public class in the code window, browse and edit.

Upgrade report and comments

When the project is upgraded, the upgrade report will add to your project, detailing all of the upgraded code you need to make changes. At the same time the code will prompt you to pay attention to adding comments to any potential problems. These notes automatically appear in the task list in Visual Basic.NET.


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Computer change "broiler" the mercy of others

3.15 this year, party, personal information disclosure as a topic of concern. Much has been stolen to sell low, it was bought for a variety of fraud ... ... In this way, our personal information into their profit-making tool.

Computer poisoning the mercy of others to become "chicken"

Massive information technology network, is a public website selling personal information, it is claimed that a collection of more than 95% of the national enterprise units of information, the owner of the information all over the country, major banks or investors to user data information, etc., and the price is also very low, can only spend 100 yuan to buy 1,000 kinds of information, the above detailed record of the name, home address, fixed telephone and so on.

There is also a Trojan horse, in this kind of Trojan, the computer can you not informed, manipulated the Internet, computer all the information will be free to steal or change peeping. This mercy of the computer professional in the industry the term "chicken."

Wuxi, Jiangsu Province Public Security Bureau Internet police detachment of the five brigade Linkang Li captain explained: "The 'chicken', that is Baguang of hair, all the exposure means. Is a computer on all the information he can see."

As long as Baidu, Google and other Internet search engine type "Chicken 3389" the words, once a large number of related information. A network called "server", claiming the hands of a large number of "chicken" for sale, contact reporters with him. He sent a file to reporters, after receiving the results press hits in less than 5 seconds, he began to control the computer from the reporter.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Contact Home Linkist then the new tactics: to provide professional exhibition space

Recently, with hundreds of thousands of business people to contact the home contacts site Linkist more than in the dormant after the introduction of "professional personal exhibition space", for business people to provide a very professional display of live venues.

Linkist ago, many people do their own personal website. But need to know html to do a site should also prepare detailed materials, know how to plan, daily busy business people are often discouraged. Please specialized companies to do business web site it, then do the difficult problem facing the promotion.

Linkist contact the family to provide timely "personal exhibition space", using the convenient Add / management, so do not understand Web site produced by busy business people can also make a colorful page. I tried to follow the instructions to do a lap, hey, do not have a few minutes, add a few links, a fresh professional image it immediately!

For a Linkist personal space is very simple. Normal use as long as a member, you can apply for similar so easy to remember the personal domain. Domain application is successful, you can edit the contents of their own show.

I like the business people, your Blog is sure to be included in personal display inside. Add found, Linkist intimate provide an online RSS reading capabilities. This is just great, just normal Blog's RSS import, personal space immediately read the latest papers!

Try to love reading his news RSS link also import, hey, it shows. Really easy.

As to the writing of the manuscript throughout, scattered throughout the inconvenience in using RSS import, Linkist also provided hand-edit the text and hyperlinks, for taking the time to his recently made a few proud manuscript order, which can be considered under the broad masses of friends and Readers Yougejiaodai.

In addition to these show their expertise related to life functions related information, seeing their own personal space page, I was a bit surprised Linkist "additional services": the personal space and general information only to show their different, Linkist personal space This left all surprised to display the clock distribution. Obviously, this trick has highlighted the SNS (social networking) and general dating site different. Perhaps the author himself is not enough to make attractive, but if I have a lot of people who clock cycle an important figure in important industries, but also still very valuable.

Also see a member, probably business owners, we simply made his own personal space for the company's services provided, not bad.

Personal work information, and sometimes three to five years not change. But everyone's thinking, like all books, professional development, may change every week.

Long time no see friends, meet will be used: "How are you, how are things" to say hello. Linkist's personal space, apparently acted as the greet, talk to the latest features of recent developments and business opportunities.

According to relevant sources, update personal space for each member, Linkist will promptly notify his friends. Not linked to concern for a long time friend, simply open his personal space to see, you can know what he is doing, getting on well, what the two sides can discuss opportunities for cooperation. Linkist in providing connections to search, it provides such strong connections to emotional communication tool, so my friends can share their business opportunities and recent developments.

I use past experience in Linkist occasionally find someone, usually by people to find. The first concern of privacy, favor to occupy the names and companies, no one who ignores the result. Then learn to work more than fill a number of content areas of expertise, hobbies, and gradually continued to receive the information with other people understand.

Can be seen, the opportunities, often provided from the number of people searching to find their information. The author in his own personal space Linkist put a lot of small achievements accumulated over the past. As with awards, certificates, everywhere, at this time, these past experiences are the ability to support themselves.

Look Linkist personal space is an interesting display of useful things, see if it can become a rich business people show the best tool for the self.

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

"Six Degrees Theory" mold SNS

When Web2.0 in China, when the Internet became a fashion, SNS users in China is gradually raised and well-known, from the SNS website know like-minded friends, the online space through SNS build virtual cabin, even in the SNS line to get to know boyfriend lover achievement remote marriage ... ... but what is the SNS? To which sites can call SNS site? Internet in the field of SNS are the differences? Many people say that is not clear.

Conceptually, SNS and many Web2.0 applications like - because understanding of different construction sites are also different. SNS originated in the American social psychologist Milgram (Stanley Milgram) 60 years in the 20th century the first theory put forward by six degrees, he said: "You and the interval between any stranger who will not be more than six In other words, up to six individuals by any of you will be able to know a stranger. "

Therefore, a mainstream understanding of SNS is Social Network Sofwaret, that is social networking software, according to six degrees of theories to understand the basis of friends of friends, expand your contacts in a network software. Based on this theory of the SNS website in March 2003 happened in the U.S., after a very short period of time will be popular in North America, by many Internet companies and investors within the next two years as the fastest growing business in 2005 to get the United States TheFaceBook a 13 million yuan venture capital dollars.

Careful analysis of social network software SNS, can it is more dominant social software, social friends, more concerned about the direct relationship established with the community nature of human resource sharing between friends, there is a direct application of goal-directed in the establishment of social relations to complete the course or solve specific application problems, more focused business.

It is believed that SNS can be achieved through the use of personal data processing, personal social relationship management, reliable business information sharing, you can safely trust the people to share their information and knowledge, use trust relationships to expand their social network, reaching more valuable communication and collaboration. In the end, people's social capital to complete the accumulation of such a system to serve the future if the various social activities, will bring tremendous business and social value.

Also make an assumption on the context of Web 2.0, each user has its own Blog, maintained their own Wiki, social bookmarking or Podcast users Tag, RSS, or IM, email, etc. to connect to together, "according to six degrees of separation, each individual's social circle have been enlarged, and finally into a large network, that is social networking. "

SNS into "personal space" of the times

But almost all of the imported goods entering China, the changes or "innovation" also will bound, SNS is also true after the introduction of the Chinese Internet.

"Construction of the first online community friends, we refer to is the first theory of six degrees. From the process of human interaction, the first need to confirm that the 'people' in existence, but he needs to recognize the needs of others. But In China, the Internet, 'theory' is difficult to become a reality
. "An understanding of the Internet's" elite "from 2000, runs a community-based dating Web site, once soared in popularity, but the" virtual online world, Internet users in pursuit of a reality out of existence, entertainment and privacy more dominant. "

Construction of six degrees of theoretical guidance to the community dating site has endless, but the technical difficulties and business model have limited the development of the site, and finally the Internet winter "baptism" after running out.

"Fortunately, the theory of six degrees of superstition is gradually faded, and now more emphasis on the website, and not empty six degrees of relationship. To strengthen the long-term SNS website user, must be people-oriented, especially young people's social platform This is the Internet's objective circumstances. "FZone president Yin Hailong that the successful model of abroad, can refer to, but more to their own websites and innovative in order to meet the tide of Web2.0.

So, what is the current choice of Internet users? Simple analysis of the situation SNS dating platform, QQ QQ friends still rely on a large user base, match, and mop (2005 骞?Oak Pacific acquired UUMe) located in the dating and love between men and women, 100 million of Friends (YeeYoo) and bumper (PengPeng ) focuses on the integration of Internet and telecom value-added services.

As friends and network a single model of real-name field to slow progress on the Internet, SNS site visits and community friends can not achieve the desired amount of state, finally gave birth to "personal space" appears. South Korea's Cyworld "mini bubble nest" and the domestic FZone the mini tribe in this area is ahead.

As in the past two years, the rise of Japan and South Korea and other Asian countries, most young people love the popular Web services, the second generation of dating site "character space" similar morphological and Blog, but the emphasis is on real network of social, stress the pursuit of entertainment and interaction between people, communication.

Personality space seems to SNS and Blog, Podcast and other personalized software, and through vivid mini circle of friends expanded function rooms and the personal tribal base point, showing a rich network of personal style homes and a relaxed circle of friends. Spatial integration of personality information, diaries, music, albums, messages, friend circle function. Relying on personal space to provide a platform for a comprehensive text, audio, images, etc. related services as possible, most comprehensive show users their own perspective, and web-based virtual environment and real community networking event.

Thus, SNS spawned a new understanding - Social Network Service, the social networking service, a demand for people personalized service Social networking in the Web2.0 era heavy shine.


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Thursday, July 15, 2010

"BT China Union" was closed due to incomplete documentation

At 0:30 on the Dec. 6 pm news, in film and television fans in a high profile BT download search engine "BT China Union (" Friday (4) can not access the afternoon, received this morning webmaster Huang Xiwei ZDNet exclusive interview revealed that the site was due to incomplete closure of business documents, there is no plan to reopen. This means that BT has set up a six-year alliance in China is likely to disappear on the Internet.

From Friday (4) evening began, many users discovered that "BT China Alliance" Web site is inaccessible. They post in the forum, in the Baidu search, find the reasons why. As of today at 1 am, less than 40 hours, Baidu's keyword search tips, "BT China Union could not open", "BT do not increase China's Union" is a popular users search terms.

BT users in China by the Union so concerned because, after six years of development, which provides resources for the Chinese search service in BT download a large number of loyal users, especially like the users to download movies and TV shows. ALEXA traffic data from monitoring bodies, BT Union day visit to China, the number of 25 million people.

Yesterday (5) evening, an IT professional online media published reports that China Union blocked BT, webmaster criminal detention. This report is broken busy person, BT webmaster Huang Xiwei Chinese Union. Huang's network is called "Yi Long One", Fujianese, 97, started in net, is the film fanatic, who founded TV Forum "video empire."

"Today my phone and QQ almost burst." Huang Xiwei told ZDNet in QQ, "was arrested for something really fast people fainted." He's coming out is misinformation that has been under criminal detention. Also offers BT download (eDonkey) service counterparts, VeryCD webmaster Huang Yimeng (Domain Name Dash) revealed that he had a telephone conversation last night and Huangxi Wei, Huang Xiwei "were arrested purely rumors."

Huangxi Wei QQ, Netease technology to reveal, BT China Alliance is incomplete due to operational documents were closed.

Huang said that the business document refers to the SARFT's "audio-visual program service license." September 21 this year, SARFT issued a notice, any units and individuals operating video site, have to apply for this card. Chinese Alliance for BT BT resource for film and television, film and television partners can not be proved from the regular channels, so I can not apply for this permit.

Huang Xiwei learned through the relevant channels, SARFT recent letter to the workers under the Ministry of the paper calling for the closure of BT China alliance. Friday (4), the Ministry of Industry and relevant departments of mail notification Huangxi Wei, BT off the record number of Chinese alliance. In accordance with the relevant provisions of China, the site can not be opened without filing service. Friday afternoon, Huang Xiwei turn off the BT has set up a six-year alliance in China. They then found that users can not access the start.

BT close alliance of China, seems to have hearts of stone Huang Xiwei pressing down the land, "but it was to insist that some day the Government informed the customs, I was shut."

BT China Customs Union Station could mean it will disappear on the Internet. Huang Xiwei told ZDNet he wanted to rest for some time, there is no plan to let web site re-opened. Under our current regulatory requirements, BT wants to re-opening of the Chinese League is not easy.

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